Can I put a battery operated radio on my electric wheelchair, so I can extend a speaker that is electric? - electric wheelchair wiring diagram
Expanded, it's electric and I have the batteries in a wheelchair wire, in other words, I want to hear without headphones in my ears all the time
Most work on electric wheelchairs 2 12VDC deep cycle batteries, and often have a "key", so you can connect accessories to connect to.
The thing to remember is that makes charging the batteries of cars in circulation, draining the battery if you listen to sacrifice for the field of movement to music when you music with a small battery make D'or something s.
If you have a headrest, platform, you can see a few small speakers (such as a computer speaker) in the headrest, to building a "bubble" sounds for your pleasure, all on cheap batteries. A platform like this costs a lot less.
Take a seat in a car audio shop, Im sure you can put together something for you.
Of course you want the submarine-woofer to add?
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