Can I substitute textured vegetable protein for vital wheat gluten? - textured protein
I use the textured vegetable protein for vital wheat gluten? Textured vegetable protein is gluten, vital wheat gluten is not obvious, so I know the texture is different.
The PST is richer in protein, and the vital wheat gluten. DVT is more like a hamburger, while the vital wheat gluten more like the ham in the texture. VWG used to trade in fake burgers to help them stick together.
The answer to your question is yes, you can.
And heres why.
Wheat gluten is the natural protein in wheat. Contains 75% protein. A small amount of baking bread recipes for improving the texture and elasticity of the dough. This is often used by commercial bakeries to produce light textured bread, and easily put the home bread baker on a par with the pros. Vital Wheat Gluten can also be used for a meat substitute called seitan.
Wheat gluten is used to Seitan - there is no substitute for him in this case - or add additional gluten to make bread. You need only to her, that I add gluten substitute to guess.
Are you sure that your PST is gluten? In general, it is
depends on when you try to make seitan, then
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